You have them , we have the answers... probably.
Currently we support Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 and 2024. In the past we have developed for FSX and P3D and you can find these aircraft on the freeware section of orbxdirect.
We have a large list of planned developments. We select the most viable to establish a production schedule. You will always be notified of upcoming developments, their progress and their release dates.
Our screenshots are taken in Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 using rather old computers. Minimal post processing (other than watermarking ) is done. We don't like doctored shots and prefer to present our products as honestly as possible.
Unlike the answer to the how long is a piece of string ( see question below ) there are a number of variables to take into account. We have a number of testing systems and we keep at least 2 in stock configurations with no “tweaks”. We tend to aim for a medium specification 2-3 year old computer. As long as you keep your drivers up to date and your system running cleanly you should have no problems in running our add-ons.
Double half the length.
Please remember that we are based in Australia where the sun is out most days, the beer cold and the barbecue is hot. We might need a day or so to get back to you. If you are contacting us regarding a problem with your install or product please give us as much information about your system/settings/MSFS settings / other addons/ Antivirus/firewall and any other problematic software that you might be running that might have a bearing on the ease of running our products.
Other than the fact that we are on the other side of the world to the majority of the internet, we find that we are blocked by anti-spam measures more often than not. So even though we try to email you back your email provider may just block us. We get that you hate spam... so do we. But If you're going to try to email us at least make sure to unblock us or whitelist us so that we can respond. Also if you have been let's say... less than courteous, you may find the person on the other side of the helpdesk might not respond.
Simple answer yes. When you contact us just tell us who you bought it from and a receipt number and we can help you. Also any patches/tweaks/fixes that we release through our site will also be made available to our partners on the same day. Please contact them as to when they will be available to download from their servers.
Simply put we are able to update our site a lot quicker than vendors who may have a hundred other products to also update ( possibly at the same time ). All vendors are given the same files at the same time as our own e-commerce site. They endevour in most cases to get the product onto their servers in around 2 working business days.
Certainly. Send through some of your previous work and we will endeavour to respond ASAP.
Yes it is true. After the monkeys wrote one of Shakespeare's plays they turned their attention to making aeroplanes for Aeroplaneheaven.
When a major update to the game is released, we restest our addons to ensure full compatibility for that game.
It is dependent on each addon. Any new FS2020 ( post FS2024 release ) addon will be tested in 2024 and edits/modifications will be done to ensure compatibility with the game. If the game is updated to further increase compatibility we will revisit these edits/mods to ensure they are either still working or if no longer needed, removed. For future developments we will be making native versions for each version until such a time is reached where one or other is no longer viable.
Obviously this is our own opinion and it isnt a hard written in stone rule however we believe that if an addon cannot take advantage of all the functionality of FS2024 then it is compatible only and is not native. A native addon will have been output and coded using the SDK for that game ( FS2024 ) and will utilise all advantages available to that SDK. We will make it quite clear in the compatibilty and purchase pages for each addon exactly what you are getting.
For our own addons we have found that almost all are compatible to a point. Some require additional pilots and some require some texture changes ( both cases as of 1.27.0 of FS2024 ). Where possible we have made these changes. And those changes will be made apparent on the product page. If you still have a question please contact the help desk with your question.
Due to the nature of the product ( downloadable content ) there is no refund possible. At all times the onus is on you to either research the addon or read all information that we make available for the addon before purchasing.
Yes. When you buy from Aeroplaneheaven you are interacting with our commerce partner They use HTTPS security based protocols to interact between the payment form and the payment gateway.
Paypal is the primary payment method. We are looking at integrating credit card transactions in the near future. If you wish to use a different pay method then please use one of our preferred partners on the buy now page to buy our products from our preferred partner.
If you have installed a tracking-blocker ( such as Ghostery ) then this is disabling the social discount options on the buy page. In the options of your anti-tracking add-on you should be able to temporarily disable the blocking for our site and then reload and you should be able to interact with the discount process.
Remember to turn it back on afterwards A social discount by it's very nature requires tracking , Aeroplaneheaven does not track you nor sets cookies. Privacy is very important to us.
Due to the changes ( January 1 2015 ) to EU VAT laws we no longer sell to EU based customers directly. If you are from an EU country you can buy our product from our preferred sales partner, FSpilotshop. The link to the actual product page can be found in the buy now window. IF you are wondering about using a public vpn or public proxy to get around this please be advised that your download is sent to your email address using the paypal/credit card information, which is the information used to allow purchases.
We are sorry for any inconvenience but it appears that tax departments worldwide are out to throttle yet another peaceful hobby. There is little we can do.
Sellfy ( our ecommerce partner on this site ) has a simple to understand blog post about this here
Please note that due to the digitalnature of this product, purchases are non-refundable. Please contact us about the problem. In most cases we can help to resolve the problem. Should you have accidentally purchased 2 copies we can of course refund one of them back to you.
The email should be almost immediate. Please allow up to an hour for it to arrive however before getting in contact. And please remember to unblock or whitelist and based emails. If you are buying from a store then make sure that the store's domain is also unblocked.
First. Check your junk email box/spam. Whilst it shouldn't be in there the number one reason that email hasn't “turned” up is that it is residing in the junk folder. If however you still haven't received an email after allowing an hour and the junk mail is empty of notification then please contact us using the contact form. Please note that we are based in Australia and as such we might be asleep while you are emailing. Rest assured we check email every morning and you will receive a response as soon as possible.
Yes we do . The following email providers have blocked us in the past and maybe blocking our emails now. We will attempt to contact you through another account. and the title will always have Aeroplaneheaven in the title.
Sellfy allows you to download a product 5 times. Since we don't require internet activation for our products please ensure that you back up the installers to a disk or 2 so that you don't need to redownload that often. Any updates/patches do not count to this quota. In fact updates and upgrades reset the count!
If you contact our help desk with what you have tried so far and if the issue with the game not seeing the plane or if it is an install issue at the base level, the bloke who will answer you will have a pdf for you with install help. This PDF is also often found in the documentation folder of the addon. It is also linked to here Help file
Luckily for us MS/Asobo have made the process pretty much the same as FS2020 and the previous question has the answer for you.
If the addon you buy has 2 zips this will be due to it either being a bundle of both games or a modification of the FS2020 addon to ensure as much compatibility with FS2024 as possible. So the zip that says FS2024 in the title is the one for FS2024. Yes it probably will work in FS2020, however in some cases the modifications made will actually break some functionality. We highly recommend that you install FS2020 addons into FS2020 and FS2024/FS2024 compatible addons into FS2024. Sort of makes sense ?
No you don't. We trust you like you trust us. We don't believe in DRM or any of that sort of thing. If in the future we enable the internet capabilities of the simulator itself for heightened user experience then we will make this very clear. You can be completely disconnected from the internet and use our products ( and install ) fully featured.
There is no DRM on any product that we sell that is ALSO available through our partner stores. For any other product that we develop please contact the store concerned regarding DRM.
In most products there will be a folder called documentation which will include guides / manuals that you require.
MSFS is being actively developed. As such as it is being developed more features are being added or taken away. If the add-on was working before the update to MSFS and then not working correctly after the update to MSFS then we will endeavour to fix it in a timely manner. This however may not be able to be achieved if the fix is simulator based rather than add-on based.
Our Addons are built to only interact with themselves. At no point do we modify any game specific settings or stock files. Our Addons generally ( you will be notified if a separate add-on is required ) are built to MS sdk conventions and at no point require further settings to be made. If however you feel that this has happened then please delete the Aircraft from your game.
Our add-ons may use stock effect files, sound files , texture maps and environment maps. If these files are missing or have been modified by another add-on that you may have installed then this may be the issue. Please ensure that any other add-on that you install do not modify stock files without your knowledge. However with the march of technology ever increasing there will be inevitable unforeseen compatibility problems with newer technology/simulator features. Whenever possible we endeavour to fix these issues. However there will be some times when the ability to fix an issue is beyond our control.
Why would you want to do that ? Ok we know it happens. To uninstall our product navigate to the community and delete the folder with the name of the aircraft that you want to delete.
The zip has all necessary files required but there may be times when an anti-virus software will stop installation of certain things. We dont put anything odd in our zips and as long as you purchase the files from either us or our preferred partners the files will be ok. You may need to allow them through your Antivirus programme. Also It would probably be helpful if you unzip as administrator. This can be done by right clicking the zip and choosing run as administrator. If however after following this step the aeroplane isn't working then please contact us with the details of your system/settings/MSFS ( 2020 and 2024 ) settings and possible running add ons that might have an affect on our product. In most of our products you should be able to just hit CTRL + E and fly.
We no longer support FSX/P3D products and have made them free. There is no support or upgrades planned for FSX/P3D products.
We want you to have control. Yes you can also zip to a temporary directory of your choice and pick and choose what you would like to run.
No we don't. You won't find google analytics on this site or any other deep linking system.We don't collect data whatsoever and don't use cookies either. We value our privacy greatly and respect your rights to privacy as well.
We are using a cache control system that stores temporary files on your computer so that when you are browsing the site it will seem faster as the files are served from your computer instead of coming from the site every time you visit. as with all things privacy is important. If you empty your cache/history of your browser then only you will know you visited us. It will be your not-so-guilty secret.
No we don't spam. If you use the contact form it is sent to one address ( ) and that is read by one human being and responded in kind. When you buy from us you enter your email to receive the product link and any updates/patches to this product. Again we hate spam as much as you do.